Project: Tutor Tracker

Tutor Tracker is a desktop tutor finder application that links a user with multiple tutors in the database. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Added an Appointment class to represent the relation between tutor and tutee.
    • Rationale: Appointment class served as a holder for creating new Appointments based on tutor.
    • Status: Complete as it has been fully integrated into the app, with CRUD function, with individual storage utility, and respective test methods as well.
    • Link: [#38, #79] (,
  • New Feature: Added add_appointment, delete_appointment function.
    • Rationale: Helped provide a basic way to add and delete appointments into user system. Also created AppointmentBook storage to facilitate saving and storage for appointments.
    • Status: Complete as it has been integrated well, and take noted of special conditions like clash of datetime and duplicate appointments.
    • Link: [#85] (
  • New Feature: Added Budget feature to track each person’s individual budget and total cost of appointments.
    • Rationale: User might have a personal budget and it is inconvenient for him to keep looking at the appointment list to see the outstanding cost. Budget feature provides a convenient summary of user’s personal budget alongside the outstanding cost of all appointments
    • Status: Complete as it has been integrated with the app, with CRUD functions, and GUI.
    • Link: [#138] (
  • New Feature: Added CRUD functions for Budget feature. This includes add_budget, edit_budget, delete_budget, and view_budget. Also created BudgetBook storage utility.
    • Rationale: Basic utility functions for user.
    • Status: Complete as it has been integrated with the app, with Budget Book storage utility to facilitate saving and loading.
    • Link: [#138] (
  • Code contributed:
    • TP Dashboard summary link:
  • Project management:
    • Refactored tutor and favourite into packages. [#171] (
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Fixed existing bugs with appointment and tutor [#171] (
    • Added numerous Appointment Test classes [#230] (
    • Improved code logic for association between Appointment and Tutor [#169] (
    • Added Budget GUI. [#293] (
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Added documentation (format and example usage) for the command view_tutor [#36] (
      • Added documentation for Budget features. (format and example usages) for add_budget, delete_budget, edit_budget, and view_budget. [#190] (
      • Updated documentation for Appointment features. [#294] (
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added Non-Functional Requirements [#37] (https://github. com/AY2021S2-CS2103-T14-3/tp/pull/37)
      • Updated DG for Budget feature. [#139] (
  • Community:
    • Help review Team PRs.