Hi I’m Yuting, a year 4 Business Analytics student. I like to cook and explore nice food in every city I visit :)

Project: Tutor Tracker

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Added the ability to view an individual tutor.
    • What it does: allows the user to view an individual tutor with a specified index in the Tutor Tracker.
    • Justification: This feature improves the product because a user can select to view a particular tutor of interest, including details such as a tutor’s profile and cost of different subjects.
    • Highlights: This feature is an extension from the existing feature - list tutors. It is affected by other commands that change the student panel in GUI because this feature depends on the index of a tutor in the list at the time when the command is entered.
    • Links: #86 </br>
  • New Feature: Added the ability to list all tutors.
    • What it does: allows the user to view a full list of all existing tutors.
    • Justification: This feature improves the product because a user can select to view a particular tutor of interest, including details such as a tutor’s profile and cost of different subjects.
    • Highlights: This feature is an extension from the existing feature - list tutors. It is affected by other commands that change the student panel in GUI because this feature depends on the index of a tutor in the list at the time when the command is entered.
    • Links: #83 </br>
  • New Feature: Implemented Grade and GradeList class.
    • What it does: allows the user to create new Grade objects and store them in the GradeList in Tutor Tracker.
    • Justification: this feature improves the product significantly because it extends the usability of the product by allowing user to store grades in Tutor Tracker.
    • Highlights: This enhancement affects all grade-related commands to be added in the future.
    • Links: #126
    • Credits: Codes are adapted from Person in AddressBook 3.
  • New Feature: Added the ability to add a grade record.
    • What it does: allows the user to add a new grade record, including the subject, graded item and grade to the GradeBook.
    • Justification: this feature improves the product significantly because it extends the usability of the product. It provides the user a convenient way to add their grade records to the digital GradeBook for reference when choosing tutors.
    • Highlights: This enhancement affects all grade-related commands to be added in the future. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to the existing model, logic, storage and ui.
    • Links: #144 </br>
  • New Feature: Added the ability to delete an existing grade record.
    • What it does: allows the user to delete a grade record that is outdated.
    • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because the grade records in the GradeBook can be outdated when the user is promoted. the app should provide a convenient way to keep the digital GradeBook updated.
    • Highlights: This enhancement affects all grade-related commands to be added in the future. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to the existing model, logic, storage and ui. </br>
    • Links: #144 </br>
  • New Feature: Added the ability to edit a grade record.
    • What it does: allows the user to edit an existing grade record with a specified index.
    • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because the user can make mistakes when adding a new grade and the app should provide a convenient way to rectify them.
    • Highlights: The implementation was challenging as it required changes to the existing model, logic, storage and ui.
    • Links: #144 </br>
  • New Feature: Added the ability to list all existing grade(s).
    • What it does: allows the user to view a full list of all existing grade records.
    • Justification: This feature allows user to quickly access the list of all existing grade(s).
    • Highlights: It mainly supports the GUI in displaying the list of grades of the user.
    • Credits: Codes are adapted from ListCommand in AddressBook 3.
    • Links: #144 </br>
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link </br>

  • Project management:
    • Contributed in refactoring the existing code base
    • Maintained abstraction of the code: created TagList (Pull request #65), SubjectList (#80) and GradeList (#126)
    • Documented the target user profile #7
    • Maintain the defensiveness of the code: enable assertions in the project’s gradle file. </br>
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Refactor ListCommand to add list_tutor feature #83
    • Update the GUI to display subject list in each TutorCard #91
    • Update the GUI to display the newly added GradeBook #144 </br>
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Added documentation for the feature add_appointment #7
      • Added documentation for the features add_grade, delete_grade, list_grade, edit_grade #188 </br>
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added glossary #8
      • Added use case of the add_appointment feature #8
      • Added use cases of the view_tutor feature #84
      • Added use cases of the add_grade, delete_grade, list_grade, edit_grade features #307
      • Added implementation details of the Grade Book feature #329
      • Added class diagram of Grade #333
      • Added manual tests for features add_grade, delete_grade #333 </br>
      • Added manual tests for features view_tutor, delete_tutor, edit_grade and list_grades #349
  • Community:
    • Constantly approved PRs of all group members.
    • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class.